Death to Dirt: $69 for Exterior Window Washing for Up to 15 or $129 for 30 Panes (Up to 57% Off)

Today’s Groupon Edmonton Daily Deal of the Day: Death to Dirt: $69 for Exterior Window Washing for Up to 15 or $129 for 30 Panes (Up to 57% Off)

Buy now from only $69
Value $150
Discount 54% Off


Experienced cleaners remove dust, stains, and grime from the windows of clients’ homes

What You’ll Get

This deal is a very hot seller. Groupon has already sold over 200+ vouchers at the time of this post.

This is a limited time offer while quantities last so don’t miss out!

Click here to buy now or for more details about the deal.

The Fine Print
Promotional value expires 90 days after purchase. Amount paid never expires. Appointment required. May be repurchased every 180 days. Valid only within 50 km. of postal code T5T 3L3. Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift. Limit 1 per household. Valid only for option purchased. All goods or services must be used by the same person. Not valid for third story on homes. Additional panes will be an extra charge.

See how to count your windows.
Merchant is solely responsible to purchasers for the care and quality of the advertised goods and services.

Death to Dirt

Death to Dirt’s cleaning crew erases grime from home exteriors, improving curb appeal. They climb atop ladders to wash windows and clear clog-causing gunk from gutters. Back on the ground, they pressure-wash dirt from driveways and decks.

Click here to buy now or for more information about the deal. Don’t miss out!