HOT DEAL: Edmonton Sun- $36 for a 13-Week Subscription to the "Edmonton Sun" (Save 55% Off)

Today’s Groupon Deal of the Day: $36 for a 13-Week Subscription to the “Edmonton Sun” (Up to $80.54 Value)

Buy now for only $36
Value $80
Discount 55%
You Save $44

This is a limited 1-day only sale that will expire tonight at midnight (Tuesday, December 7, 2010). Click here to buy now or for more information about the deal. Quantities are limited so don’t miss out!

Engaging local content
Comprehensive sports coverage
32 years of quality reporting
More than 325,000 readers

The Fine Print
Expires Jun 8, 2011
Limit 1 per person. Not valid until 12/10. Not valid for those with subscriptions in the past 30 days. Must activate subscription by 6/8/11, subscription expires 13 weeks from activation. Subject to delivery area.

The Company
Edmonton Sun
Redeem from home

The Edmonton Sun delivers a mash-up of local and international news to thousands of subscribers’ doorsteps, driveways, and mailboxes every day of the week. Fill each morning with a publication that elucidates issues of municipal and national importance and endeavours to answer the questions of our time, such as “What is today’s weather?” and “When is the next robot uprising scheduled?” The sports section features extensive in-depth coverage of the Oilers, while the entertainment pages include reviews of the latest musical acts to hit the scene and exposés of the latest celebrities to hit the skids. On the opinion page, a roster of silver-penned columnists provides valuable insights that can be parroted, tailored, or subverted at cocktail parties. Subscribers also find the latest information on tech, money, and the happenings of Edmonton within the photo-filled folds of the Sun.

An essential forum for public opinion, the Edmonton Sun provides information that, unlike the data garnered from licking a frozen DVD, is responsible and informative. Join forces with a weekly readership of more than 325,000 Edmontonians to stimulate your mind, encourage conversation with coworkers, and support Edmonton’s fourth estate.

Click here to buy now or for more information about the deal. Don’t miss out!